Too many acne lines treat your skin like it’s 16 years old, leading to desperate moisturizing that turns out to clog pores, and a vicious cycle ensues. Other lines treat your acne so gently, it never clears at all. With Sensitivity and Rosacea, too many product lines and facials do nothing more than use “hypoallergenic” labels while neglecting sensitized pores and capillary redness.
If you haven’t yet already, come experience Daniela’s cheerful, home-like atmosphere with knowledge, expertise and care for you and your skin, that you’ll find nowhere else. If you live outside Chicago, explore this web site for the answers you need, then have your skin analyzed remotely by filling out the Eval by Email® Online Skincare Consultation Form at Daniela’s sister web site, AcneWhisperer.com, now with a new, shorter version of the full Eval by Email Adult Acne Clearing Program, designed specially for those who just want to know what to use at home, and nothing else.
Adult Acne Treatment and Prevention
Non-Comedogenic High-Potency Skincare
Skin-Safe Makeup

Acne Help Exclusively for Gen-Y to Baby Boom
Anti-Aging Products for the Acne-Prone Adult
September 1
Out of Town
(no facials, all photos are selfies taken at home)

October 19
April 2
November 20
(taken at home before Eval)
January 19
(taken in salon before first facial)
October 26
congested and dry
March 17
oil and congestion able
to come to the surface
May 2
less oil, less dry,
less congested
In Town (with facials)

February 13
oil and congestion able
to come to the surface
May 20
less oil, less dry,
no papules

December 11
dehydrated with
painful papules

March 13
(taken in salon before first facial)
May 20
(taken in salon before second facial)
December 9
(taken at home for start of Eval by Email® Program)

March 20
June 23
(with very light dusting of leftover powder)
October 11
(taken in salon before third facial, small amount of leftover makeup)
January 24
(taken in salon before fifth facial)
June 28
(taken in salon before first facial)